R.J. of Swansea asked this question: I'm curious if you can give a ball-park estimate on the value of this?
I purchased an Audubon print about 10yrs ago of the "Pinnated Grouse". Size: 25 1/2 x 37 3/4 inches
Markings on it are as follows: Upper right corner: "Plate CLXXXV1" Upper Left corner: "No.
38" Lower Right corner: "Drawn from nature by J.J.Audubon F R s F L s" Lower Right corner: "Engraved,
Printed & Coloured, by R.Havell 1834" Bottom Middle: "Pinnated Grouse TETRAO CUPIDO. Lin Males.1.2.Female.3.
Lilium Superbum." Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thank you!
The Havell Double Elephant Portfolio (1827 - 1838) are 435 Audubon prints of his original watercolors.Your dimensions are
correct. The attributions of the engraver are usually copied along with the work in a contemporary reproduction or re issue.
I'll take the asumption that ten years ago you paid at least 500 for an authentic Havell edition. Start
your research from the link below and work back to the authoritave dealer I have shown. A poster of this work
would usually be coated (but not always) and show a dot matrix under a magnifying glass. Sophisticated injet printers can
now produce a continuous tone print and reproductions can be difficult to spot for the untrained eye. The presence of the
plate's impression is no longer a valid qualifying mark since it can be stamped onto an inkjet edition.
An appraisal cannot be made over the internet. The Havell aquatints are the most valuable of all editions being that they
were authorized and overseen by the artist. Check this site in a few days for recent auction results and the name of a Certified
Appraiser dealing in these works.
Current auction records indicate prices from $3500 to $12500 (depending upon condition).I have forwarded to you the name of
a certified Appraiser.
Pinnated Grouse Aquatint(Havell edition)
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